




Young Macedonian Achievers Award




The Macedonian Community of Western Australia Incorporated (MCWA – Inc) seeks to recognize the outstanding achievements of young people of Macedonian heritage in the academic, sporting or artistic fields. It is anticipated that winners will serve as role models for other Macedonian children and that the award will encourage excellence and pride among the Macedonian youth of Western Australia.

The Award

The winner(s) of the Macedonian Youth Outstanding Achievement Award will be presented with a voucher to the value of $300 to be spent on items, goods or services that support their field of endeavour. They will also receive three (3) years Ordinary or Junior membership depending upon their age. Winners will be invited to attend an Annual General Meeting of the MCWA (Inc) to receive their award. An invitation may also be extended to winners of this prestigious award to attend a Management Committee meeting (the following year) and comment on their ongoing achievements.

The award requires demonstration of high levels of achievement in the Art, Academe or Sporting arenas. Examples of the Standards of Achievement required to qualify for the award include:

    ·Outstanding university entrance results (acknowledged by school or Education Authority; i.e. Dux or top 1% of State ATAR results)

    ·Completing an undergraduate degree with distinction

    ·Gaining selection into State or National sporting or Arts related endeavours

    ·Other high level or impressive standards of achievement

Application Pre-Conditions

To qualify for the Outstanding Youth Achievement Award, the person must fulfil ALL the following requirements:

    · Agree to their nomination

    · Have Macedonian heritage

    · Be over the age of 16 and under the age of 23 at time of the AGM

    · Be nominated by a current Ordinary or Life Member of the MCWA (Inc)

    · Also include their parent or caregiver’s signature(s) on the application form if they are under the age of 18 at the time of their nomination

    · Apply for the award within the given time frame.

    · Complete the nomination form and mail it to the MCWA (Inc) on or before 1st September of each year

Selection Criteria

    ·Address both the ‘Standards of Achievement’ and ‘Application Pre-conditions’

    ·Brief statement of what you hope to achieve in your field (100 - 120 words)

    ·Provide contact details of up to two (2) referees


·Nominations close on the first day in September.


Applicants will be notified of the outcome of deliberations prior to the October Annual General Meeting of the MCWA (Inc). Winner(s) are encouraged to attend the AGM to receive their award in person. Parents or immediate family will also be invited to attend the ceremony.

Correspondence / Enquiries

All enquiries, correspondence and applications to be sent care of the:

Coordinator, Macedonian Youth Outstanding Achievement Award

Macedonian Community of Western Australia (Inc)

PO Box 12, North Perth WA 6906

Congratulations to Past Winners

2022 Academic & Community - Jacinta Pizzata (Ivanov family) – Degrees in Law and Journalism. Miss Universe Finalist, fundraising for Disadvantaged Children

2018 Academic Category - Dimitrie Damos - Certificate of Distinction WACE

2018 Academic Category - Aleck Gianoli (Donis famiy) - Certificate of Distinction WACE
2017 Academic Category - Alexander Angelkov
2017 Academic Category - George Gelevitis
2014 Academic Category - Monica Stanisis - Dux of Perth College

2014 Academic Category - Alexandra Gelevitis

2013 Sports Category - Dean Evans - Glory Youth Team Captain and Fairest & Best

2012 Sports Category - Laurence Grescos - Qualified for the Elite AFL Training Academy

2012 Academic Category - Annalyse Petra Lazarov - Dux of Balcatta Senior High School
